среда, 6 августа 2014 г.

download Leadership Performance apk free

Leadership Performance


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This App contains 197 Skills needed to effectively perform as a leader. These Skills describe the Behaviors to use when leading others. Contents offer a Comprehensive Approach to leadership performance.

1. Identify different types of leadership behaviors you can use to perform successfully

2. Show how you used your leadership skills to make positive contributions at work

3. Write accomplishment statements for performance reviews or job interviews

4. Develop your leadership strengths and improve your performance

5. Help direct reports, subordinates, colleagues, or other people improve their leadership performance

The 197 Leadership Skills are grouped into the following Eight (8) Categories:

Leadership, Management, Delegating, Leading Change, Coaching, Mentoring, Conducting Performance Reviews, Giving Critical Feedback

The Impact Section Includes:

1. Questions To Ask: Use these to determine how you used your leadership skills to positively impact people, processes, and practices.

2. 23 Impact Examples: Use these as samples of different ways leadership skills can have a positive impact.

3. Workplace Factors: Use these to identify which stakeholders, entities, and workplace outcomes benefited from your leadership skills.

4. The PAR Approach: Use this to write personalized accomplishment statements. There is an example and an explanation of how to use the PAR Approach.

P – Problem or Situation you encountered

A – Action you took to resolve the problem or handle the situation

R – Results of the action you took

5. Action Verbs: Use these to identify personal accomplishments and write accomplishment statements.

The Development Section Includes:

1. Assessment and Critique: Use this to analyze your leadership capabilities. The section contains a 3-Step process to identify leadership strengths and weaknesses.

2. KISS Method: Use this to further analyze your leadership strengths and weaknesses.

K – Things you want to KEEP doing in the area of leadership

I – Things you want to IMPROVE in the area of leadership

S – Things you want to START doing in the area of leadership

S – Things you want to STOP doing in the area of leadership

3. 12 KISS Examples: Use these as samples of ways to analyze leadership strengths and weaknesses.

4. Development Definitions: Use these to identify the general ways to learn, gain, or enhance skills.

5. 10 Examples of specific Development Activities: Use these as samples of ways to learn, gain, or enhance leadership skills.

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