Travel & Local
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Taximeter, an Android™ simulation of modern taximeters in more than 30 countries throughout the world.
• Realistic “LED effect” appearance and operation
• More than 50 predefined presets in over 30 countries ( see )
• Latest presets can be downloaded from the internet
• Customizable preset with 4 tariffs
• Custom preset wizard for easy setup
• Lockable preset
• Calendar controlled (with tariff auto-switch) or manual tariffs
• Minimum fare
• Yards/metres units
• Hire log with automatic send
• Event log with alerts
• Use On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) speed data to calculate distance instead of GPS (OBD-II compliant vehicle and an ELM327 compatible Bluetooth or USB OBD-II adapter are required. If you are using an USB adapter make sure the adapter uses a FTDI (FT232Rx) USB to serial chip, and that you have an Android™ device running Android™ 3.1+ that supports USB Host mode.)
• Integration with PayPal Here™ payment processing
• Receipt printing (Planet Coops’ POS Print application and a compatible Bluetooth mobile printer are required)
• API for integration with 3rd party apps
• User guide ( see )
• Avoid being ripped off overseas
• Carpooling
• Family "taxi"
Visit our website, , for user guide and preset information...
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Also, being celebrated at the festival Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen, who come in two films to Telluride stars: the Hunt, in which he plays a kindergarten teacher assistant, whose life falls apart after being wrongly accused of child abuse and A Royal Affair, Writer-director in the role of a doctor download Taximeter free android app . Having an affair with the Queen of Denmark Mikkelsen won the best actor award at Cannes for his performance in The Hunt.
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