Fraction Calculator PRO/EDU
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Fraction calculator with step-by-step operations. Shows results as you type. Graphical display of expressions with history. Use space to enter mixed fractions.
* Workspaces to work on multiple tasks
* Store often used expressions in a library
* No advertisements
* Step-by-step operations (option to turn off)
* Arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/,÷), hold / to enter ÷
* Powers of fractions
* Fractions simplification
* Fractions with complex numbers
* Decimal to fraction conversion and back
* Symbolical fractions and operations
* Integer roots simplification
* Pinch to zoom
* Linear equations x+1=2 -> x=1
* Quadratic equations x^2-1=0 -> x=-1,1
* Approximate roots of higher polynomials
* Systems of linear equations, write one equation per line, x1+x2=1, x1-x2=2
* Polynomial long division
* Polynomial expansion, factoring
* Solving inequalities with one variable, double tap ( and ) to enter less and greater signs
* Linear and polynomial inequalities, x^3-4>4
* Inequalities with absolute values, abs(2x+3)<=5
* Compound inequalities, 1* Rational inequalities, (x+3)/(x-1)<=0
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The Associated Press contributed to this report.ALSO TogetherChris Brown and Rihanna: Together MediterraneanChris Brown accused of 'robbery by sudden snatch 'in Miami - allegedly Chris Brown, Drake brawl in a New York nightclub Follow Christie D'Zurilla on Twitter and Google+ download Fraction Calculator PRO/EDU 1.2.13 apk free . Follow the Ministry of Gossip on Twitter@ LATcelebs and on Facebook / ministryofgossip.Late Night: Jimmy Fallon pokes fun at the Russell Brand talk showHowever, the ultimate butt of jokes wasn t mark, but dedicated to the magazine itself spy an ad for a special edition of the issue of U.S. Weekly, the 100 Cutest Guy asked Fallon-as - fire, Who has together? Jerry Sandusky?
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