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TO TRY BEFORE YOU BUY: get the "Catholic Calendar: Universalis" app for a free 30-day preview.
Feasts and celebrations according to the General Calendar and the local calendars of the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, Ireland, and others. Features "About Today" pages giving more information about the saint of the day.
Full Universalis content for every day of every year, for ever:
- Readings at Mass, with a choice between the Jerusalem Bible/Grail and the NAB translations.
- the Mass Today page, combining the daily Mass readings with the Order of Mass.
- the Liturgy of the Hours: Morning Prayer, the three daytime hours, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer, and the Office of Readings.
This is the same content as in Universalis on Windows, Mac and iOS.
The app is complete in itself. It needs no Internet connection and no downloads.
NOTE: If you have bought a Universalis registration code, don't buy this application. Get the "Catholic Calendar: Universalis" app instead, and enter your registration code in the About screen.
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